The City Clerk oversees the recorded history of the city and attends and records City Council meetings and actions which comprise this history.
Barnett, Julie - City Clerk
Salazar, Derrick - Code Enforcement Officer
Pascoe, Bethany - Neighborhood Services Manager
City of Evans Community Development Department includes the Planning, Building, and Neighborhood Services Divisions
Pascoe, Bethany - Neighborhood Services Manager
Hall, Michael - Senior City Planner
Utrata, Heather - Building Coordinator
Salazar, Derrick - Code Enforcement Officer
Wysocki, Peter - Community Development Director
The Human Resources and Risk Management Department provides an organizational framework to recruit, select, classify, compensate, and develop the City's diverse workforce, while ensuring a safe environment that optimizes productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Our office is responsible for a variety of functions in partnership and support of all City Departments, including recruitment, benefits, organizational development, risk management and training.
Smith, April - Human Resources Business Partner
Thompson, Tammy - HR & Risk Management Director
Tymkowych, Julie - Human Resources Manager
Boudette, Kurt - Safety & Risk Manager
Welcome to the City of Evans Communications Department. We exist to promote transparency and trust between the city government and its residents. The Communications Department prides itself on speaking the language of the people. We understand that government can be complex. That's why it's our goal to break down detailed information into easily understood content that residents can use in their daily life.
Karpiel, Dan - Communications Specialist
The mission of the Office of Emergency Management is to coordinate emergency management activities to protect the people, property, economy and environment within the City of Evans.
Boudette, Kurt - Safety & Risk Manager